Since the year 1999 Literacy India had been using technology-based education for our students in most of our Projects. We started with Pentium III computers which could run Flash-based programs. […]
India is a country of diversity bonded by its emotions, culture, and talent. The land is a prosperous Republic when its people are leading lives aligned to the United Nations’ […]
Launched in 1999, Gurukul is the scholarship project of Literacy India, aimed at sponsoring students who otherwise do not have access to formal education and career opportunities. The project was […]
It seemed like yesterday when our work began with a handful of children living in extreme poverty without education or Skill. We enter into the Year -2021 with 25 years […]
Literacy India,( the mother lode of Indha Craft, was founded in 1996 as a non-profit organization with the objective of educating underprivileged women and children and empowering them to become […]
In the year 2021, the Covid wave, along with the lockdown, People falling sick and followed by deaths. We are not sure which is worse, the battling starvation without work, […]