
July 20, 2024

From Codes to Classrooms: GyanTantra’s Tech-Tastic Journey

              In the heart of rural Rajasthan, Gyantantra is […]
June 29, 2024

From Textbooks to Treks: Adventures at Literacy India

Imagine a classroom where learning goes beyond textbooks and lectures—a place where students don’t just […]
June 19, 2024

Crafting Hope – Stitching Futures with Indha

      From Struggle to Strength: Sasthi’s Journey Sasthi,34, embodies resilience and hope. Despite […]
June 8, 2024

Inclusive Learning: Engage, Experience, Educate

      “It is only through the exercise of our vote that we can […]
May 14, 2024

Nurturing Hearts, Empowering Minds: The Maternal Care of Our Educators

Amidst the vibrant walls of Literacy India’s centers, a tapestry of resilient women and mothers […]
April 14, 2024

Good Vibes Alert: Dreams Soaring to Sustainable Triumphs!

THIS IS HOW IT GOES… In India, as companies and organizations wrap up their financial […]