Since the year 1999 Literacy India had been using technology-based education for our students in most of our Projects. We started with Pentium III computers which could run Flash-based programs. Over the years, we used multiple Digital educational programs donated by our Foreign Donors as India did not have that many programs as it has now. Then in the year 2009, we created our own Digital Innovation “Gyantantra Digital Dost”. It was primarily developed for street children who were out of school or dropouts, and gradually, innovation evolved to found its way in Govt Schools. Over 100 govt schools across the country are running this program.

The COVID 19 pandemic has impacted each one of us, the severity of which is yet to unfurl. As the world braces itself for what lies ahead, the Indian Government is struggling to ensure the security of the future generation. One of the critical aspects, education – especially elementary education – is in a crucial junction as experts worry that the progress made so far, has since suffered. Literacy India has a robust solution to meet this monumental challenge. Not only do we have an intelligent educational software which focuses on individual learning capacity but also serves as a resilient and patient ‘teacher’. 


Payal is a girl born with multiple talents. She excelled in academics, pre-vocational and as well as at extracurricular in school. Born in a family of extreme poverty but dreams high of success. She was a school dropout, and when she was brought to the centre due to lack of learning, she had low esteem. She was Enrolled in Gyantantra Program and in no time she came up speed with English and Maths. The Virtual teachers made him confident and successfully mainstreamed in grade Vth. Payal says, ‘Learning environment at Vidyapeeth and teachers support, motivated and inspire me to study and showed me a path of success.’ She is now studying Class VIIIth. 

Her father is working as Driver and mother works as Ayah. Seeing her progress, her parents admitted her siblings also, in Literacy India. 

She is a consistent learner, attends classes regularly on the Google Classroom due Covid, and submits all the assignments on time. Her favourite subjects are Science, and She opted for Beautician course in her pre-vocational and is proficient in hairstyles, creating mehndi designs on hands. Utilizing the skills learnt, she managed to earn Rs.2000 during festive seasons as her pocket money. She proved to be an all-rounder as she took a keen interest in Coding and Robotics Classes. We found her EQ matching her IQ. 

Due to Covid crisis Literacy India distributes ration kits to the people, Payal`s Family was also helped when she came to school. But on her way back home, she and her father found, a lady crying of hunger out side her house. Both Father and Daughter went inside her house and found that she and her small children were miserable without food. Father and Daughter were kind to them, and Payal gave away all the Family ration to the lady without much thought except sensitivity. 

She said, ‘I am fortunate that I was able to help the lady.’  Literacy India is Proud of Payal not just because she is intelligent and hard working in her studies but for her being Kind and Thoughtful towards the needy. Literacy India feels that we have taught our Students right to “ Be Human” first then anything else later.


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