Celebrating Change – 25 Years-Milestone

It seemed like yesterday when our work began with a handful of children living in extreme poverty without education or Skill.

We enter into the Year -2021 with 25 years milestone. Lot of our work started with only Five children scaling to 6,50,000 Women, Children and Youth, helping them with education and employ-enablement across 15 states.

We could start our story with our differently-abled beneficiaries, their journey with us, Sunil and Gyanchand.

Sunil was brought to us by his mother. Sunil`s mother learnt stitching at Literacy India Daultabad village centre, Gurgaon and started working as an Artisan. She has three sons, and Sunil is the youngest among all. Sunil has less than 50%  IQ level, so he could not attend formal education. 

Sometimes things don’t work within the Family; Sunil`s mother approached for support as Sunil and his mother received no help from others. Sunil`s father passed away due to illness. Sunil became God`s own child. Under the Indha project (www.indha.in) Sunil was trained to support the Artisans .

Celebrating Change – 25 Years-Milestone
Celebrating Change – 25 Years-Milestone

His hard work, sincerity and trust worthiness earned the confidence of the whole Artisan Group. While doin this routine job, Sunil also acquired additional skills in systemically keeping material and visiting Artisans home to deliver materials etc. Gradually he learnt all process required for day to day work, enabling him to handle his work independently with a positive attitude. Grown over the years, Sunil is taking care of his mother now.

Celebrating Change – 25 Years-Milestone
Celebrating Change – 25 Years-Milestone

Seema Devi Our Artisan, with a differently-abled Child, Gyanchand. Her husband worked as a contract labourer in the Maruti factory but left his job due to a health issue. Due to the largesize of the family, her elder son separated. 

She set up a home-based tailoring shop at home, but it could not value-added in the income due to ageand quality finishing issue. She contacted literacy India for support and was provided skill training in Recycle paper Unit. She started working and helped the family to survive. Over the time, she brought Gyanchand also to LI campus for support.

Celebrating Change – 25 Years-Milestone
Celebrating Change – 25 Years-Milestone

He was blind since birth, medically 100%  as per Doctors. Post Eye surgery with Specs supports, he can see partially, and do his day-to-day work. Parents were illiterate, so they didn’t focus on his education and also due to limited resources in the village. Gradually he grew up, and his parents married him to another Physically challenged Girl. Unfortunately, it increased the family financial burden. Gyanchand has been trained to do packaging and tagging work under Project Indha Social Enterprise (www.indha.in). Now he is the bread winner of the family and takes care of his father and wife and 6 years old son.  

Artisan Seema Devi passed away, making sure that her special son stands on his feet. Literacy India salutes our Indha Artisan. 

We are revisiting our work of the past to celebrate our 25th year. This Film showcases our successful case studies of yester years. Pls Watch.


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