Cultivating Innovation

STEM Education

Literacy India has been advocating technology-aided education and enhancing digital skills for over two decades. In sync with the fourth revolution, Literacy India has pioneered the delivery of ‘future skills training. The nature of jobs is changing, and so are the desired education and skills; evident from the change in school curricular as directed under the latest Education Policy by the Government of India.

Literacy India’s Future Skill Project equipped students with future skills like coding, digital marketing, web designing & developing computational skills. As Literacy India had already been implementing these technical courses to their students, the program has gained enough maturity.

These programs build competencies that allow individuals to solve complex problems in highly emergent contexts of action in a self-organized way and enable them to act successfully. Literacy India has set up labs in the schools and community centers and these computing labs serve as spaces that allowing students to explore, experiment, tinker and create. Dell Technologies and MasterCard India are our Partner for scaling Future Skill amongst our students.

Cultivating Innovation

Anu Kumari, who aced in Digital Marketing

“Covid impacted my studies in DU as colleges were shut down. I visited Literacy India to utilize my time and learn new skills. I enrolled in the Future Skills – Digital Marketing course and the course delivered through the knowledge partner Crampete. I had no knowledge about digital marketing before joining this course. When the project team provided orientation for the course and its importance, I realized that such a skill and qualification will help shape up my future. After completing the program, I applied for a job and succeeded. Currently, I am working part time with a digital marketing agency, name Budget PE, as a content writer. Upon graduating, I will apply for a fulltime job to utilize my digital marketing skills. I am living my dream!”

Cultivating Innovation


The importance of earlier interventions in middle and elementary schools has been supported by reports suggesting that a strong STEM background at an early age will encourages tech- empowered participation as the student proceeds through middle, high school, and on to post-secondary education. The project has two component teaching foundation of coding Scratch , Python , Creating Apps using MIT app inventor as well robotics introduced advanced AI kit -WHALESBOT MODULE 2.0. It was introduced to the students with new components, sensors, processors, actuators Etc… Programming software – SCRATCH is used for coding the Robots. Presentation on new Robotic Kit with Videos were shown to the students. Gearing parts, structural parts, and appearance parts.

Whales Bot Al Module 2 has more than 480 parts which function as gearing parts, structural parts, connectors, and appearance parts Children can build diverse teaching and competition projects upon these parts.

Cultivating Innovation

Our Future Coders

Khushi Jha is student of grade 8th in Literacy India Vidyapeeth. She comes from the family where her elder sister studying Engineering and she is also interested in studying science. Due to consistent lockdown situation last year and early this year the studies of these children were going online through Google meet. Her marks in Maths’s science were not good when online exams were conducted last year. But after opening of schools this year in the month of July she was enthusiastically looking forward to attending the classes. She was very excited to attend her robotics class because it is very engaging and it’s fun to learn & understand the concepts of science. She is also very creative and likes drawing. This creative skill also helped her in designing the bots. She is one of the promising students of Robotics as per her teacher Manisha. She participates in all the activities of class, she understands the coding of bots quite well and picking up complex algorithms also. Her interest in science subject has grown and in last exam conducted she has scored good marks compared to previous exam. During her project she has made a Catapult Robot and also participated in the Independence Day Thematic event of Robotic in the school and made a Battle Tank prototype.


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