Dreams and Aspirations – Children`s Month Special

Dreams & Aspirations: Children's Month Special

Stanzin Phunchok  is full of dreams.Stanzin studies in Class 8th enrolled at Literacy India, Alchi centre, Leh District. She wants to become a Doctor, and like many of our students, there are financial problems, and the school where she goes does not have that kind of facility. Though she lives in Saspol, a little far from Alchi, as Ladakh is known for its hills and mountains, she felt Alchi centre would help to achieve something. Here Elder brother encouraged her to go the extra mile.
Stanzin lives with her Grandmother,  Mother and Brother. Her mother runs a tea stall at Leh, 63 K.M. away from Village Saspol. And her brother studies in class 10th at a school in Leh. Sometimes the whole family gets together once a week, due to work and studies. Ladakh villages are spread in the mountains where Leh city is the most established; therefore, village folks come from far-off places to find jobs and sustain themselves; education is a secondary matter.
Literacy India`s Alchi centre helps students like Stanzin with tech-based remedial, which enabled her to score 71% marks and the maximum marks she got in English, i.e. 73 out of 80 in her class.
Stanzin loves reading, and  English is her favourite subject. Though she is weak in Maths, she loves to do Science experiments. Some of the recent experiments done by her include an Onion cell study, Making a Bulb using wires, Thermal, and switches. She is an all-rounder. She takes the front stage in dancing at most of the festivals.
Stanzin has become good at coding; She made projects using movements and sprites. Some projects done by her using scratch include Pollination and Story Conversation.
Earlier she didn’t even know how the computer looked or worked. She gained a lot from Her Trainer, Ms. Deachen Yangdol and as per her trainer Stanzin is natural, always curious to learn new things and has good grasping power since she finishes her projects faster than the others in her class. Stanzin says  Literacy India is a friend of children who need help.


Diksha Kumari, 14 years old, grew up in Uttar Pradesh but migrated to Bijwasan, Delhi along with her parents. Per chance, her father came to know about the Literacy India Future Skill Program, during a mobilization programme, and he was encouraged to enrol Diksha into the program at the Bijwasan Learning Centre.

Being a daily wager with a family of 6 members the father thought it best to engage her eldest daughter to learn computers after school instead whiling away time aimlessly.  Good in mathematics, with a score of 90%, Diksha was enthusiastic to join and learn Coding and creative computations.  Quickly she grasped the basics of coding and after two months of mentoring she was into innovating and creating her own small projects.  With the support of her Scratch-teacher, she understood the concepts of Coding, use of graphs, applications of X-axis and Y-axis and improved upon her thinking and storytelling skills.

Her teacher is confident and happy to note the impactful progress achieved by Diksha.  Her father too is delighted to observe her daughter’s coding project on his personal smart phone and acknowledges Literacy India’s support for nurturing and transforming the life of her daughter, who now aspires to pursue a career in the field of computer applications.


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