Education midst of Uncertain Times

Education midst of Uncertain Times

Sometimes Hardships are an essential ingredient for character building. It makes us resilient to any kind of Mishap or unprecedented happening like COVID-19, which World is going through. Niteesh is like any other kid, who wants to come out and play, spend time with his friends. However, this Boy is quite mature for his age decided to do something otherwise. Knowledge of using technology and Social Media imparted in many classes conducted at the School of Literacy India. With his constant exposure to many employees of Companies who volunteered with Literacy India, led to this Boy making his own video to teach his friends or anyone who could relate to his teachings in Science.

Niteesh hails from a village in Samastipur District Bihar, his parents came to Gurugram in search of Livelihood. Due to extreme poverty, he dropped out of school helped his parents to manage day to day. When Literacy India happened to him, he was overjoyed as Gyantantra Digital Dost upgraded his learning in no time and in a year he got back to Class IX. He is wired towards education because of his curious nature, he shows potential towards Engineering or may become a fantastic teacher, we don’t know that yet, but what we know that Niteesh knows how to share even if in his limited capacity he is sharing his knowledge. Literacy India has many such gems in our schools and centers, we believe in giving them the right atmosphere and education to be a person of value in Nation Building.


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