Keen to learn – A 11-year-old migrant boy topping Coding classes

Keen to Learn: 11-Year-Old Migrant Tops Coding Classes

Harsh, a 11-year-old migrant boy from Bihar came to Literacy India to learn coding, but unfortunately all the seats were taken by then. 

The facilitators always support children, and seldom refuse anyone. However, this time all the seats were taken, and since a lot of focus is on individual learning – the facilitators hesitated as they wanted to make sure all students receive the necessary attention, including Harsh. Harsh was one keen student, and his persistence to join the course compelled the facilitators to include him in the ongoing batch, even though seats were taken. 

Harsh is especially gifted in science, and decent in other subjects. He started to enjoy the coding classes by immediately, being one of the first ones to complete the coding projects. Since then, he has always topped the class. The child’s determination and the facilitator’s sense of direction has secured the future of this bright student, true to Literacy India’s mission. 

“Harsh loves science, and we made the decision to move to Delhi to help our children get proper education. We always support them to do their best and fuel their curiosity. 

Now he is very interested in coding and is excited about his projects and often talks about them. “I’m happy to see my son happy. A big thanks to Literacy India for providing such a good platform to our kids,” said Pankaj Mishra, Harsh’s father. 


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