Pandemic report

Our Attitude and Our Capacity to learn shapes our Career. This holds good for any Youth of Today despite all odds, if we are flexible enough to evolve, we can survive anywhere. As Technology and the digital land scape change, some jobs are going to become less relevant while others are going to suddenly become crucial. One way around this is to implement a reskilling. Another thing we need to be prepared for is upskilling. Unlike reskilling, this involves training people up but keeping them in the same roles, rather than fundamentally changing their jobs.

Pandemic report

Here is a Story of a Rural Youth not interested in Academics nor to become a Farmer like his Father. Raman Shukla, 21, migrated to Gurgaon to fulfill his dreams. His keen interest in electronic and Technology made him complete his Graduation. There are over Million Youth in this country coming from Rural Background have fascination for Technology but limited knowledge of Maths and Science.
It is said when you are looking for something very sincerely Universe helps. This Poor Farmer`s Son was introduced to Mobile Repair training Program running in Village Bajghera Literacy India Campus. His performance was exceptional as his pursuit to learn was an equal match. He was placed as an Intern in one Shop, and from there on, his life changed.
His knowledge landed him a job at a Mobile shop, but this placement was short-lived due to the Covid-19 lock down. He was forced to go back to his Native village in U.P. Raman had no work at home. Literacy India`s guidance during training empowered him to start a mobile recharge shop in his neighborhood. He arranged a loan of Fifty thousand Rupees from his relatives to start the Shop.
Within a few weeks, his venture took off, and he was able to generate revenue and to earn approximately 250-400 Rupees a day, thereby supporting his family financially. He also added products like recharge facilities on Mobile, DTH service, Money transfer etc. there by creating a marketplace.
During Lock down post-opening shop, he again approached for support requesting Literacy India team to train him on understanding online forms of National Open School, Application for Govt. Services like Amendment of Aadhar Card, PAN card, Date of Birth certificate Application etc. as well providing kit to start mobile repairing work to increase income. 
Pandemic report

Raman says “I wish Villages had the opportunity to learn some skills so that one could start our own venture without going too far into Cities. My Going to Gurgaon and learning under Literacy India has helped shape my future also fulfilling my dreams by doing something with the use of Technology. There are many Youth in the Community who aspire to be like me, and I am guiding them as well.”

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot, and hang on.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt


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