Energy saving may be the most important benefit to the environment
of recycling. It takes up to 40 percent less energy to recycle paper than
it does to create new paper. Recycling paper saves the energy used for
trash collection and transportation, and less energy is used for extracting
wood from forests, refinement, transportation, and processing for paper.
Today, 90% of paper pulp is made of wood. Paper production accounts for
about 35% of felled trees and represents 1.2% of the world’s total economic
output. Recycling paper saves forests. Every paper recycled helps reduce
deforestation and produces environmental advantages. Paper can be
recycled several times!

About 35% of municipal solid waste (before recycling) by weight is paper
and paper products. Greenhouse gas emissions are produced when the
paper buried in landfills breaks down. Recycling of paper reduces those
emissions. Recycling starts with people in their homes, schools and
businesses collecting used paper and putting it out for collection.
After paper is collected and transferred to a collection bin and to
recycling unit, the paper is sorted by grades and where contaminants
– such as glass, metals and plastic – are removed. Once sorted the
paper fibers are shredded and mixed with water to make a pulp.
Indha is the Brand under IndhaCraft does the following :-• To convert
the waste paper generated in the useful products e.g. Office stationery,
Certificates, Pen stands, Carry bags, Visiting Cards, Invitation Cards
Products made from Recycled Paper• Visiting Cards• Certificates•
Pen Stands• Carry Bags• Invitation Cards• Envelopes• Photo Frames
• Note pads• Gift Boxes• File covers• Packaging boxes• Calendars
• Diaries• Greeting Cards