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April 7, 2021
Transforming Lives Through Education: Gaurav’s Inspiring Story
February 29, 2024

Ashok: Consistently improving

Ashok and his parents migrated from Nepal in search of better education. His father works as a cook and his mother as a domestic help. Although his parents could not attend school themselves, they understood the value of education. Ashok had studied up till class III in Nepal when he joined the Paathshala programme. However, his initial test results were not very encouraging.

Presently, he is studying in Class V in the Government Primary School, Carterpuri, Gurugram, and conscientiously working to achieve higher grades.

He did have an initial issue with English and Mathematics mainly but, with time, he has been able to overcome those hurdles as well. With the guidance of his teachers and his own hard work, his scores consistently improved. He now also admits to having a keen interest in Environmental Sciences. In his free time Ashok loves to draw.